News Up To 14 August 2023

Earlier News: Up To 14th August 2023

Corsewall Lighthouse Station


Corsewall Lighthouse Station is beautiful looking and we wish the owners good luck in selling. But many folk have ended up losing large amounts of money trying to buy this place…

The Corsewall Lighthouse Station took 10 years to sell and went from £1,200,000 to… £450,000.

Buyer after buyer has lost money in legal fees trying to purchase that complex and challenging site. The most recent evidence we saw was over £4,000 in buyer legal fees were wasted in the past few months because of difficulties by the latest in a series of buyers. The most recent was a cash-buyer and still no deal! No matter how we tried to help with FREE listings, that lighthouse station seems well and truly “stuck”.



4]. The West Usk Lighthouse: From our experience and reader feedback, that is at the very top end of what lighthouse buyers are comfortable paying. A guide of £1,750,000 is a lot of money. Most of our readers prefer lighthouse buildings at the £75,000 to £125,000 guide price figure. Although we do have a respectable number of high-net-worth buyers looking at the £500,000 to £1,000,000+ price bracket. Even so, the West Usk Lighthouse buyers we sent across advised their view was a ceiling of £1,400,000.

West Usk Lighthouse Tower

Photo Attribution: Thomas Cambrensiis



5]. The penultimate Burnham High Lighthouse Tower was one of the rarest buildings we list. At £550,000 it was priced at the top end, but because of rarity, it had thousands of folk clicking onto the dedicated webpage we hosted. We were delighted when the owner phoned our UK telephone number for advice (here). It was a sheer pleasure to help him sell the tower over the following few weeks.


Further generalised details in  the rest of this page…

So far this year, there have been very few new additional lighthouse buildings for sale in 2021.

This website has 6,550+ people “keen” and up to 42,000 unique visitors who visit this page regularly, literally looking at lighthouses for sale.

For tasty properties, we can occasionally ensure over 150,000 people look at your lighthouse for sale (proof: click here). Many, many cash buyers. Just waiting for you to put your lighthouse property up for sale.

To help stimulate the lighthouse for sale market, we are offering a FREE listing on this website FOR YOU, to help sell your lighthouse building. No obligation. Guaranteed No Fees.


If You Are Selling Your Lighthouse:

Click Here

For Free Advertising

Home Lighthouse of This Website.

Rather than just hang around and see what lighthouse buildings wander onto the sale list, this website is going pro-active.

We are offering SELLERS space on our website for FREE to help sell their lighthouse buildings.

We do NOT charge commission, NOR listing fees… 




This may be an old phrase, but we know a fair few of our readers are keen and have their “cash waiting” to buy your lighthouse property.

You can get in touch with this website…


We should emphasise that this website: LIGHTHOUSES FOR SALE AND RENT is a not-for-profit website, run by volunteers and our team of fellow lighthouse owners would be delighted to help you sell your lighthouse buildings. NO COMMISSION. NO FEES. Since we started this website in 2012, millions of pounds worth of lighthouse buildings have been sold here at no cost to our readers or sellers (though for transparency, some sellers do make a small donation. This is not mandatory and indeed we get both embarrassed and humbled when it happens).


Further details of each lighthouse property are listed below. Please come back to this website often as the first thing we do is upload new buildings for sale onto this front page.



West Usk Lighthouse Tower For Sale

Guide: £1,750,000

Seven Bedroom Converted Lighthouse Tower

West Usk Lighthouse, Lighthouse Rd., St Brides, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8SF

West Usk Lighthouse, Lighthouse Rd., St Brides, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8SF

West Usk Lighthouse, Lighthouse Rd., St Brides, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8SF

Location: Lighthouse Rd., St Brides, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8SF

Guide Price: £1,750,000

All Enquiries: Click Here

For West Usk Lighthouse Tower Sale Details


Watch this space for regular news. Also you can subscribe to our updates to make sure you don’t risk missing something really special in lighthouse buildings coming up for sale…




Sir Peter Scott Lighthouse

Guide: £600,000.

Currently “OFF” the sale market.

Watch this space in case it comes back “ON”.

Also Known As East Bank Lighthouse

East Bank Lighthouse: Known As Sir Peter Scott’s Lighthouse

It is one of the delights running this eccentric Lighthouses For Sale or Rent website that sometimes the telephone will ring, and the owner of magnificent home is calling in with details of a very special place to sell. This happened today: here is that offering for you to consider…

East Bank Lighthouse, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, PE12 9QJ

Lighthouse towers for sale are very rare. In 25 years of editing Unique Property Bulletin and sister website Lighthouses For Sale, I have only seen three. As if the tower isn’t rare enough, this one comes with an incredible pedigree. It’s former owner, Sir Peter Scott was the son of famous Antarctic explorer, Commander Robert Falcon Scott. This resonates with our publication as on some days in midwinter, when nobody else on the RRS Discovery, I will quietly take the website laptop and spend an afternoon a few miles along the road from my home and go aboard Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s ship…

RRS Discovery. Forever Linked With Captain Scott

Please note, this ship is NOT for sale. Just included as part of lighthouse for sale narrative.

I mention the depths of winter for two reasons. Firstly, it is apposite to spend time aboard the RRS Discovery on a brisk, beautiful Baltic cold winter’s day given her voyages to the Antarctic. Secondly, in December or January you can enjoy this whole ship as a quiet sanctuary. Sometimes there isn’t another living soul aboard.

On those extra special treat days, some of the editions of this website were researched and composed here…

 RRS Discovery At Dundee. Some Editions of This Website Written In This Room

This is an awesome space in an amazing place.

To consider where the occupants of this room have travelled and what they would have experienced inspires and fires the imagination from the freezing echos of this special ship’s past…

RRS Discovery At The Antarctic. Locked In The Ice For 2 Years: 1902-1904. Brrrr???

But I digress. This segment is about Commander Scott’s son, and his home at a very special lighthouse tower, located in East Anglia…

Is This Lighthouse In An Area Where You Would Like To Live?

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

The majority of lighthouse buildings are in Ireland and Scotland where much of the coastline can be exceedingly hazardous to shipping.

It is a rare treat that we can offer up such a beautiful lighthouse to folk who have a need to be near to the south east of the UK.

East Bank Lighthouse & Sir Peter With Friends

Genealogy asides, Sir Peter was a notable person in his own right. Described by the World Wildlife Fund For Nature as one of their founders. To have a very brief appreciation of his life’s work: click here. 

To get a feel of the inspiration that Sir Peter drew from his time living at East Bank Lighthouse, here are a few photographs of the internal accommodation – both the light keeper’s cottage, and the actual lighthouse tower…

Returning back to the ground floor accommodation, as an example, we have the living room…

 Inside The Adjacent Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage Is Very Nice

Estate Agent Narrative: East Bank Lighthouse, or, more familiarly known as Sir Peter Scott´s Lighthouse, stands on the eastern bank at the mouth of the River Nene to the south of The Wash, a marine area which is one of the country´s last great wildernesses.

Offering a Reception Room Overlooking the Estuary, Dining Room, Kitchen, Plus Basement.

Three Bedrooms, Bathroom and Shower Room Plus Attached Artist Studio Accommodation.

Previously Granted Planning Permission for a Detached Visitor Centre & Parking.

East Bank Lighthouse Plan For Guidance.

Please do not scale.

The lighthouse has had extensive and sympathetic restoration work over recent years…

East Bank Lighthouse During Renovations

Quite A Contrast From Sir Peter’s Tome At East Bank Lighthouse

Estate Agent Narrative Continued: The Wash National Nature Reserve is the biggest reserve in England, covering nearly 9,000 hectares, and is dedicated to the memory of Sir Peter Scott, a great conservationist and son of ´Scott of the Antarctic´ who lived at East Bank Lighthouse, a Grade II* Listed Building from 1933 to the start of World War 2.”

Snowgoose Wildlife Trust Background: Click Here

There is a huge amount of history to this truly unique home. The place also had planning permission granted for a detached visitor centre. This opens up possibilities for proper pharologists and also conservation minded wildlife devotees to enjoy an amazing new life here at this sublime part of the country.

East Bank Lighthouse, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, PE12 9QJ

To speak to one of the estate agents, you can telephone either Jan von Draczek or Indre Vaitekunaite.

Please let them know that Russ McLean from Unique Property Bulletin recommended you call.

East Bank Lighthouse, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, PE12 9QJ

Currently “OFF” the sale market.

Watch this space in case it comes back “ON”.



Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

CLICK HERE For Estate Agent Details

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

Lots of pictures and details of this 2 house (3 bedrooms in each) leading light house…

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN

Leading Light, Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3DN


If you would like to have a 3D VIRTUAL TOUR of Leading Light, please…


Location of these amazing buildings…

Latest Lighthouses For Sale – Location – Courtesy of Google Maps

Leading light has some wonderful aerial video…

For The Leading Light Estate Agency Details


…for further information and to arrange viewings of Leading Light


Consider joining our email alert service to avoid the risk of missing out on your ultimate lighthouse property purchase…


We will notify all of our subscribers when we get the full sale details of the Great Castle Head Lighthouse property.


Thinking of Selling Your Lighthouse Building?

Our website now has folk offering cash for the right lighthouse property

Just text by clicking here with details of what you wish to sell.

We arer NOT an estate agency. This is a not-for-profit website run by several lighthouse owners who are keen to support others pursue their dream of living in a lighthouse building.

Amongst our readership are many folk looking to buy a lighthouse home. Former keepers’ cottages are the most popular buildings that come up for sale.

If you are looking to sell your lighthouse buildings… 


Please feel free to get in touch.

Click Here




Restoration Project

£75,000 – UNDER OFFER

Strathy Point Lighthouse (c) Peter Moore

It is the former Second Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage for sale.

Strathy Point Lighthouse (c) Les Armishaw

Guide: £75,000 UNDER OFFER

Click Here For Further Strathy Point Details

Or TEXT the word “STRATHY” and your email address to…

Best to TEXT us on: 0749-597-5784. 


This Website – Help Us To Help Youe

This Website’s Headquarters: Photo By Mr Graham Bradshaw

If you value what we do, please consider sending a donation via our not-for-profit website: Unique Property Bulletin. With the accidental success of this website and tens of thousands of readers each month, our bandwidth charges have shot up. The annual £1,882 IT/Website/Security running costs mean that your spare fivers, tenners and even twenty pound notes are very welcome. Thank you.

Click Here To Read Donation Page

Help us to help you by supporting this not-for-profit website.




At Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

Guide £525,000

Burnham High LIGHTHOUSE TOWER For Sale

Adjacent ground floor cottages not for sale

Burnham High Lighthouse Tower, a Grade II* listed lighthouse tower built in 1830, has been converted to a three-bedroom home/holiday letting business. It has round rooms on each of its eight floors. This tower is approximately 110 feet (33 metres) tall.

This tower has some very special features such as the incredibly precious glass Fresnel lenses in the lantern room.

Burnham High Lighthouse Tower

Lantern Room Includes Very Precious Fresnel Lens.

Burnham High Lighthouse Tower has been updated with modern features such as reinforced glass floor, French cast-iron roll top bath and its own industrial sprinkler system, complete with solid bronze fittings.

Burnham High Lighthouse Tower For Sale

For full description and a 7 storey floorplan layout describing this lighthouse building for sale at offers over £525,000. SOLD

Archived Details – Burnham High Lighthouse Tower: HERE

Estate Agent Website

Click Here




We love to help fellow lighthouse folk find their ideal beamy place to live.

Scurdie Ness Lighthouse Station (c) Photo By Dona Robbins

Our website is a not-for-profit entity run by volunteers. We are passionate about lighthouses, most of us live in them. How may we help you? 

Sorry this lighthouse station is now sold, but we list several newly available lighthouse homes for sale each year. 

Consider joining our email alert service to avoid the risk of missing out on your ultimate lighthouse property purchase…

Click Here




By popular demand we have put together a special feature article/tutorial.

This gives you an extra edge in securing an amazing place to call home 

This Lighthouse Building Has Officially Been Earmarked As Future Sale

Find Out More: DIY Guide To Locate Your Own Lighthouse Tower For Sale

The subscribers of this website are a group of friends who share information about lighthouses for sale. This passion has also seen them own 8 lighthouse buildings between the.

Would you like to find your own ideal lighthouse building using your own efforts along with some techniques that will show you a way that has worked well for us? Our core volunteers have owned 8 lighthouse buildings between them!

We have prepared a DIY lighthouse locating feature article that includes…

A lighthouse owner looking to sell some of their towers. (not Burnham High Tower).

This information in the DIY guide has been distilled from 25 years of lighthouse buying experience and prepared for you. There is a modest £3.65 donation to access the special feature article and the funds generated goes to help pay for our website hosting fees.

Click Here For DIY Lighthouse Sale Article

This lighthouse locating tutorial could actually change your life.




Fancy this little lighthouse tower?

£10,000 Guide

Winkie Lighthouse Tower

Winkie Point Lighthouse Tower, Isle of Man. 

Click Here For Details


For Sale


Point Lynas Lighthouse Station – Several Buildings

Guided At £1,375,000

Point Lynas Lighthouse, Llaneilian, Anglesey 

Point Lynas Lighthouse, Llaneilian, Anglesey 


Point Lynas Lighthouse Station Sale Details: Click Here



The Northern Lighthouse Board wrote to us and advised this iconic and well known set of lighthouse keepers’ homes should be coming up for sale in a year or so. Where might this lighthouse coming up for sale be? Hint: Sir Paul McCartney wrote a song about this place…


To find out that extra edge in locating your ideal lighthouse home.




The most northerly part of British mainland

Dunnet Head Lighthouse Station.

The most northerly part of the country’s mainland.

Click Here 

For A Holiday Adventure



A Windfall Television Production Being Filmed

Calling all unique property enthusiasts! Windfall Films are currently producing a new series for More4 called Historic Homes (here), and we’re on the lookout for unusual properties undergoing conversion to dwellings, an integral part of filming is participation of enthusiastic owners. We’re really interested in buildings with a story; ideally those that weren’t originally designed for living in. The series will explore the history of the site, as well as charting the unique challenges of turning these buildings into homes. So whether you’re taking on a lighthouse, bunker, pump house or castle we’d be interested in hearing from you. Get in touch with me: markatwill (at) windfallfilms (dot) com – Thanks!

Windfall Films already have some pretty fascinating credentials and bona fides in the unique property field having been recommissioned for a second run of the sister series: “My Floating Home”…

Fancy Participating In Property Television?

The New Series Is Called Historic Homes.

Call Mark Atwill on 020 7251 7676 EXT 239. 




Now being placed with an estate agent

Guided At £565,000

Whitby Lighthouse Foghorn Homes For Sale

Fine old photograph….

Whitby Lighthouse Foghorn Homes For Sale

This Foghorn Station was originally built in 1858 as a fully functional lighthouse – and a second light just along the coast from the main tower here. Latterly this building was turned into a foghorn station. Then in 1992 it was decommissioned and sold by Trinity House to private owners.

The Foghorn Station, Hawsker, Whitby, YO22 4JY

The old foghorn building has owner’s accommodation within it; plus a holiday cottage element with a very useful income from that part of the property.

Click Here For Further Details & Plan Drawings




Pharologist’s Paradise In Pembrokeshire

Guided At £350,000 to £375,000

Cottage Number 5, St Ann’s Head Lighthouse, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3RS

Plus we believe that there is a strong likelihood of more former lighthouse keepers’ cottages at this location coming up for sale.

St Ann’s Head Lighthouse Station, Dale, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3RS

Also a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes where a property developer saves £508,000 on a £950,000 headline price for the whole lighthouse compound and buys the lot for just £442,000. 

St Ann’s Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage Sale Details: Click Here




Between England, Scotland, Northern Ireland & The Isle of Man

Guide: £325,000 – Now Sold

Little Ross Island Lighthouse Compound

Little Ross Island and it’s various lighthouse (and farm/barn) buildings, may be “under offer”, but it is still worthwhile keeping an eye on the current selling progress – in case the place comes back up for sale. Over the past three decades, we have seen, first hand the fact that several lighthouse buildings have come back after the first sale effort falls through. Our very own HQ for this website at Noss Head Lighthouse Station was one such second-time-around sale/purchase.

Little Ross Island Lighthouses – Tower Not Included

Picture Courtesy of Sea Kayak Photos

Disheartened that you missed Little Ross Island for sale?

The consider joining our email news alert list….

The interior of Little Ross Island lighthouse cottage is now one single house. It was formerly two residences: the Principal Keeper’s dwelling, semi-detached to the First Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s home…

Little Ross Island – Main Lighthouse Accommodation

Please do not scale. Copyright courtesy of Potterpland Ltd

If this small island and lighthouse compound do come back up for sale we will let all our subscribing readers know. If you would like to go on our lighthouse for sale email alert list, please Click Here.

Current BBC News Report: Click Here





We have a significant number of readers who wish to buy a lighthouse building.

Do you have a lighthouse property to sell?

It is an old phrase, but we know a fair few of our readers are keen and have “cash waiting” To get in touch…

Click Here

Tarbat Ness Lighthouses

Photo by the very talented Mr Ian Cowe: Click Here

This website is run by lighthouse owners for lighthouse owners. If you are looking to buy or sell a lighthouse building, just Google “lighthouses for sale” and see what is at the top of the rankings. We have worked hard to secure that top spot.

With much assistance and good will from loyal readers, we are delighted to help folk get into unique property mischief and end up owning a lighthouse building. We are not an estate agency. Just lighthouse people through to the core.

Tarbat Ness Lighthouses Sold. We Introduced The Seller To The Buyer.

Our not-for-profit website secure a £330,000 sale: Click Here

HM Land Registry Derived Data For Tarbat Ness Lighthouse Cottages

We achieve over 34,000 page views on this Lighthouses For Sale or Rent website, depending how busy each month is. Not too shabby for a fairly obscure endeavour. So if you are selling or renting your lighthouse, please consider contacting us. Best to TEXT us on: 0749-597-5784. 




Sorry, this has now been sold

Ranging from £22,500 to £175,000

The Stoer Head Lighthouse Compound. Tower not included in this sale.

Photograph courtesy of Mr Jim Tod

Available at either £367,500 for the whole compound.

Stoer Head Lighthouses – As of 17 December 17 – Now Sold

Stoer Head Lighthouses For Sale – Now Sold (17 December 17)

Photo Attribution With Thanks To Orchid Room

Further details and an introduction to the owner…

Click Here For Archived Details – Stoer Head Now Sold

Please note, The TOWER is NOT included in the sale.



Several readers have asked us this two-part question.

Some of us our a bit reclusive, but here goes…

For our readers who have the dedicated lighthouse property sleuthing ability within their DNA. If you are determined to find one of these lighthouse buildings to live in for yourself, then our special article is a reasonable starting point.

What has Robert Carlyle got to do with finding and buying lighthouse buildings/?

Read on for the back-story…Hamish MacBethPic1Highland Policeman Hamish Macbeth Portrayed By Actor Robert Carlyle

Photo Attribution: BBC 

The light hearted rural police drama featured adventures of the eponymous, eccentric character in uniform, inhabited brilliantly by Robert Carlyle. The BBC series was must-watch television on a Sunday night in the 1990’s.

But here’s the thing. In real life there are actual Hamish Macbeths. You are reading the words of one right here and now. Just exactly as the writer of this segment is tapping them out on the old keyboard for you. Curiously, it is an obscure fact that thanks to a Teuchter version of the Old Bill – and a lot of training at police college, this website has been created. If it were not for a real life Hamish Macbeth, then Lighthouses For Sale or Rent would not be here.

Would you like to know more? 

Click Here For The How? & Who?


One To Keep An Eye On

Neist Point Lighthouse Station: Not for sale YET, but read on Macduff…

Photograph attributed to Graham Bradshaw

This website has a forensic team of qualified property detectives (retired plods and Sherlock Holmes) helping to get you into lighthouse building ownership mischief. But for some reason, the last couple of years, 2020-2021 were very dry in the world of lighthouses coming onto the sale lists. Now, as we approach the end of 2022, there have been a FEW lighthouse buildings for sale, but none of the high volumes of the past 20 years.

=> Maybe folk just buy their lighthouse gem and settle down fro the long term.

We understand that as it can be utter bliss to live in a lighthouse station building.







This website is provided free of charge and written by lighthouse owners for lighthouse owners.



This is a not-for-profit website provided free to readers. It is kept online by a group of friends who own lighthouse buildings and are happy to help others minded to live in these more remote spots. Covid19 is making remote working more popular and lighthouse are proving a reassuringly safe place to live whilst earning a living telecommuting. It is 36 years since the owner of this website (click here) acquired his first lighthouse. In that time he has been very very lucky: owning three lighthouse stations and acquiring the long leasehold of a fourth. This is mentioned as bona fides and credentials in naming Neist Point as THE one to watch for 2021. Russ reckons if you really love lighthouses, you should start saving up for this iconic place if, or rather when it comes up for sale… 

Photograph attributed to Tomasz Janicki

Next Sale? ~ The Trick To Owning A Lighthouse Station?

Be prepared: get your finances sorted out and your lighthouses for sale radar switched on…

A good way is to check this lighthouses for sale website regularly.

This website has been privileged to help many fellow lighthouse owners sell millions of pounds worth of these iconic buildings since we went online in 2012 (and millions before that in our paper print publication established in 1992). But for some reason, there has been a shortage of lighthouse buildings for sale during 2020. With some hope and a fair wind, 2021 does seem to be getting better as far as lighthouses coming onto the sale list is concerned. We anticipate adding fresh properties for sale onto this site in the next few weeks..

In fact, demand for “remote” places to live and work (via telecommuting) has rocketed since Covid struck. The vast majority of former lighthouse buildings we feature for sale are broadband connected which is ideal for folk wishing to live in remoter places and telecommute to work via Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc….

From Those Wesbite Office At Noss Head Lighthouse Station

These places are as awesome to live in, as they are amazing to look at. Plus…

Lighthouse homes enable an excellent quality of life.


Help Us To Help You

Please can readers help the Lighthouses For Sale Or Rent website stay free to use by letting estate agents, owners, rental agencies and holiday accommodation providers know that you found out about their building on the Lighthouses For Sale Or Rent website. Thankyou.

If you find value in what you read and discover on this website, please donate a few quid.

A £5 or £10 donation will help us keep this not-for-profit website alive.

Click Here To Read The Donation Page

Lighthouses For Sale or Rent is hosted by our parent website: Unique Property Bulletin


To get in touch with this website please

Click Here
