
This index page is part of the new Lighthouse Bulletin’s main “www” website counterpart that links both the social media + dedicated pages and links onto one single page, from which all other pages and community members can be located.

This page is dormant for now as we are rebuilding the whole site architecture ~ pending change of ownership FROM being a not-for-profit entity held in trust by Unique Property Bulletin Ltd., TO the ownership of the nascent charity…

Lighthouse Preservation Trust

(working title)

This “Index Page” will form an important base part of the rebuilt site. Though if you are reading this, then you have accidentally stumbled across this page before the full narrative and photographs to help you have been added here and the “Index Page” properly published and inserted on the FRONT PAGE of this website.

Our apologies for this. The rebuilding a 12 year old website with hundreds of pages is a fairly complex task (and an up-to-date index page is vital).








A Wee Treat

Whilst you are on this page, here is some background that helps clarify the…

How? What? Why? When? & Who?

…relating to the establishment of a NEW charity, the:

National Lighthouse Preservation Trust

The reason that we believe a new “National Lighthouse Preservtion Trust” charity is needed is because…




this new Lighthouse his Lighthouse Bulletin website has a respectable 25,000 to 50,000 regular readers, but the new social media account has just started and has a very modest 5 folk “following” that page. Hopefully, with the exclusive lighthouse rentals + sales + special assistance we can help with, shall bring that readership to folk who are passionate about renovating/maintaining lighthouse homes…

You could treat yourself and take a look (and maybe “follow”) the NEW…

Lighthouse Bulletin

Social Media Account





To Access Our Social Media Account

Click on The Above Photos


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Also available is our main website page for Unique Property Bulletin (that gave birth to the Lighthouse Bulletin).

The Unique Property Bulletin has a very broad spectrum of unusual places to call “home” such as: air control towers, barns; coastguard stations; distilleries; ~ the whole A-to-A alphabet.

Whereas the Lighthouse Bulletin is obviously one theme of building. The Unique Property Bulletin is now well established with a fair number of folk involved (over 180,000: here).





^^ Unique Property Bulletin ^^

Social Media Page

Click Here

It would help us help you if you could “follow” both social media accounts as that brings the Lighthouse Bulletin up the Google rankings to where you can find the site and facility again.

These numbers help us to help you

Indeed when the visitor numbers in our not-for-profit network of publications reaches between 100,000 and 200,000 (peak so far: 242,000), this REALLY helps us to help you.

^^ Many Readers Become Friends In Our Group ^^

^^ Every One Is A Valued Member ^^

Our goal as of August 2024 is to build the new charity…

Lighthouse Preservation Trust

Credentials? You might ask about our credentials and bona fides to be registering and building a charity? Quite right too.

For the comfort of new readers and visitors to our Lighthouse Bulletin and the sister publication: Unique Property Bulletin we have been fortunate to have experience in registering other charities over the past 30 years, so we understand the complexities. The previous “nautical” charity registered by our managing director (here) at the Charities Commission is defined in the Constitution written at the very same computer keyboard that is writing these words is…

^^ Previous Charity We Registered ^^

One of the crucial elements in ensuring a charity succeeds is to share the efforts and bring as many folk onboard as possible.

That way everyone wins. We registered “Friends of TS Queen Mary” on 4th December 2012. By August 2024, there are over 26,000 enjoying being part of the TS Queen Mary community…

^^ Friends of TS Queen Mary Charity ^^

First & Foremost, To Work Well A Charity Must Bring Together A Community.

Russ McLean made an ironic quote when talking about the importance of “communities” coming together to help a charity achieve its purpose….

“No man, nor woman is an island”

This is ironic as it comes from a man who was brought up on the Island of Arran and has lived on Davaar Island and Ailsa Craig Island.

Even though Russ has islands running through his DNA, the main trustee who has carried most and completed vast amounts of heavy lifting is Iain Sim…

^^ Founding Trustees: Russ McLean & Iain Simm ^^

Since the Friends of TS Queen Mary charity was registered (4th December 212) and the ship purchased and brought back home in 2015, the proof of the efforts of 26,000 people pulling together as one community are clear…

^^ TS Queen Mary ^^

Before & After Phase-1 Renovation

Phase-2 is beyond the founding trustees dreams from 2011/2012: the TS Queen Mary will now be going back into fully certificated sailing service as a passenger ship. The founders are relatively ordinary guys and as Russ said:

“This does not happen to ordinary people. In 2011, Iain (Simm) phoned me as I accidentally bought a Denny-built ship (TSMV Southsea) and kept that away from the scrapyard for long enough that the Isle of Wight charity coud take ownership and restore the vessel (sadly TSMV Southsea charity did nnot reach their goal – though the ship lasted an extra 7 years).

Iain asked Russ if it would be possible to rescue the TS Queen Mary? Then after a years’ wwork, the charity was registered and the rest, as is said, is history!

The fact that TS Queen Mary will now sail again and possibly longside the iconic PS Waverley really is a dream come true.

Iain (Sim) has put in more work for a good cause than I have ever seen befoe. But he is very modest and in fact corrrect: the 26,000 supporters, those who have sailed on the ship 50 yeasr ago as kids, some of the crew that are still in life and devote of their time, their knowledge and skill, they all have made this happen.

The icing on the cake is to see the lady who helped raise so much funds, now announced that TS Queen Mary is being readied to go back to sailing on the high seas.

“I don’t know what is harder to fathom? The fact the TS Queen Mary looks very likely to be sailing on the high seas again, or witnessing the lady who has done so much to help this happen make the announcement (click here for announcement).

Though seeing Iain’s face at this news was pure delight (here).

Quote from Russ McLean.

The key point is any charity trustee worth their salt wil understand that it takes a community to come togather with many talents and skills, for that charity to succeed.

The evidence of wwhen that happens and can be seen in the numbers: the funds raised in just the past few yeears are far, far more than could have been hoped for by two ordinary blokes scrabbling around for £20,000 to start the charity in 2012. This shows what 26,000 dedicated people can achieve…


Source: Office of The Scottish Charity Regulator

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2832 – Friends of TS Queen Mary – Royal Visit Sailing Announcement – Royal Patron.mp4 from Mallard Productions on Vimeo.





quoted uote: “no man is an island” isRuss Video embed – my Dad is always doing that


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Every Reader

We value every friend and reader who joins our readership, It is free and desigend to bring derelict and /or titred buildings back to life, plus creat new jobs,


designed to help unique prople find unique homes (including  a lot of lighthouse buildings ~ 28 on our books and over a 64 during our 40 year history) freeincrease to these levels…



s REALLY helps .

Thank you.


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